100 years of the Gëlle Fra


27 April 2023
Luxembourg has issued a new stamp commemorating its Monument de la Souvenir

The monument, also known as the Gellë Fra, or the Golden Lady, stands in the Place de la Constitution in Luxembourg City. Designed by sculptor Claus Cito as a gilded goddess of peace atop a 21-metre granite obeslisk, and built as a memorial to the fallen Luxembourg soldiers in WW1, it was inaugurated on 27 May 1923.Although it’s a popular tourist atraction, to Luxembourgers it is much more –a symbol of their freedom and independence. For this reason, invading German armies in WW2 sought to dismantle it in 1940, and the Golden Lady was pulled down. The statue remained unaccounted for until 1980, when it was discovered under the main stand of the city’s Joey Barthel stadium. Following restoration, the Golden Lady was reinaugurated on 23 June 1985, Luxembourg’s national day. It now stands as a memorial to the fallen soldiers of WW1, WW2 and the Korean War. 

Issue date: May 2023


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