In the very best Societé


10 August 2023
Jersey Post has issued 150 Years of the Société Jersiaise, a new set of eight stamps celebrating the 150th anniversary of the illustrious Societé Jersiaise

The Societé, which was founded in 1837, is dedicated to the study of Jersey’s archeology, history, natural history, ancient language and the conservation of its environment. Today the Societé enables Jersey’s inhabitants to connect with the island’s past and its heritage through a programme of research, education and outreach.

The eight stamps in set feature portraits painted by Jersey artist Kevin Pallot, depicting past members who have left a lasting legacy in their specific field: historian and author Guy de Gruchy; naturalist and cinematographer Roderick Dobson; author of Old Jersey Houses Joan Stevens; photographer Emile Guiton; botanist, ornithologist, and conservationist Frances Le Sueur; teacher and archaeologist Father Christian Burdo; Jèrriais campaigner and lexicographer Frank Le Maistre and marine zoologist Joseph Sinel.

‘The Société Jersiaise is proud to be celebrating its 150th anniversary with a strong and committed membership,’ said its curent Presdient, Nicolette Westwood. ‘We are extremely grateful to Jersey Post for these commemorative stamps profiling some of the well-known names of the Société. Individuals such as these have been the lifeblood of the society and we are so grateful to have them brought to the public attention in this way. The good work of the organisation continues, changing with the demands of the time.’

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Issue date 6 July;