Routes into Culture


27 April 2023
Luxembourg Post marks the European Institure of Cultural Routes with a new stamp

The Council of Europe launched the Cultural Routes programme in 1987 to discover and celebrate the diversity of European cultures and their shared cultural heritage. There are now 48 Cultural Routes, taking in arts, civilizations, religious heritage, landscapes and handicrafts. Nine of them cross in Luxembourg: The Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes, Saint Martin of Tours Route, Iter Vitis Route, European Route of Historic Thermal Towns, Fortified Towns of the Grande Region, European Route of Industrial Heritage, Liberation Route Europe, the European Route of Jewish Heritage and the Via Charlemagne.

The EICR Institute provide training and advice on many aspects of Cultural Routes, including methodology, certification criteria, preparation of applications and co-ordinating a network of more than 20 academic institutions engaging in research.

Issue date May 2023

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