Luxembourg Stamps

Keep up to date with the latest stamps from Luxembourg with our stamp guides.

Find out more by visiting the Post Luxembourg website, or write to: 
POST Philately 13, rue Robert Stümper L - 2992 Luxembourg
Tel: 4088-8840 Fax: 40 68 68 Email: [email protected] 

Greener urban areas
By 2050, approx. 70% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas, making it more and more important to…
10 May 2022
50 years of the Luxembourg flag
Alongside the coat of arms and the national anthem, the national flag of Luxembourg is undoubtedly one of the most…
09 May 2022
Asteroid Day
POST Philately is issuing a series of three special stamps over three years to mark Asteroid Day.
08 May 2022
Motor-Union of Luxembourg
Luxembourg issue a €0.80 stamp to mark the centenary of the Motor-Union of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (MUL).
25 February 2022
European Capital of Culture 2022
Following similar events in 1995 and 2007, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg will host for a third time a "European Capital…
14 February 2022
Luxembourg Stamps 2021
Discover the many stamps issued by POST Luxembourg in 2021.
01 January 2022
Symmetrical snowflakes
Luxembourg's seasonal stamps show what at first glance appears to be a simple graphic representation of winter, but…
01 December 2021
Stade de Luxembourg
The opening of the new national football and rugby stadium is celebrated on a €0.80 stamp.
19 August 2021
Stamp Day 2021
The Villa Bourg is depicted on Luxembourg's Stamp Day design for 2021.
19 August 2021

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